Yankee Toys Fall Gathering Oct. 6-9

The Fall Gathering is an annual event that provides trails and obstacles for all drivers at all skill levels. Held in Southern New Hampshire in peak leaf peeping season it is not only one of the most attended events but is also one of the most beautiful events held here in the North East.
We will be staying at Field & Forest (Gretchen’s) in Hancock, NH 298 Bonds Corner Rd. Hancock, NH 03449. All trail runs will depart from there and the catered BBQ and premier raffle will be held there as well.
Check in times at Field and Forest:
- Thursday noon-9pm
- Friday. 8am-9pm
- Saturday 8am-noon
This year your BBQ is presented by PorkEEZ Pig Roast and is included in your Driver’s registration fee.
There will be a complimentary breakfast (egg sandwiches with coffee & juice) on Saturday morning for all at the Saturday morning trail lineup at Field & Forest.
Camping sites will be first-come-first-served and you can claim your site when you arrive. Due to the wide-open nature of the property, we cannot set aside a specific site for you ahead of time. We reserve the whole property for the Club, so there will be plenty of room.
You must Pre-Register online for the Fall Gathering, including filling out all waivers. There will be no admission at the gate.
Pics from FG Past